
Sonntag, 25. Oktober 2020 - 16:53  | THEMEN   |   LINKS   |  facebook   |   ARCHIV


Israels Generalstaatsanwalt prüft Spenden an Netanyahu - Vorwurf: Ministerpräsident habe von französischem Millionär illegale Wahlkampfspenden angenommen

Jerusalem – Israels Generalstaatsanwalt hat eine Prüfung von Vorwürfen angeordnet, Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanyahu habe von einem französischen Millionär illegale Wahlkampfspenden angenommen. Der Millionär habe während eines anderen Betrugsverfahrens in Paris die Summe mit einer Million Euro angegeben, berichtete der israelische Rundfunk am Montag. >>>

??? Pariser Nahost-Konferenz - "Lebensfähigen palästinensischen Staat ermöglichen" - Rudolf Dreßler im Gespräch mit Marianne Allweiss und André Hatting

 Im Israel-Palästina-Konflikt müsse sich die Staatengemeinschaft auf eine gemeinsame Position einigen, fordert der SPD-Politiker Rudolf Dreßler. Nur so könne man die Konfliktparteien wieder an den Verhandlungstisch bringen: "Von sich aus tun sie es nicht." ??? >>>

??? Reihe: "Gebrauchsanweisung" - Reisetipps Israel und Palästina - Martin Schäuble im Gespräch mit Joachim Scholl

Der Politologe Martin Schäuble hat eine "Gebrauchsanweisung" für das Reisen in Israel und Palästina verfasst. Für Menschen, die dort Land und Leute kennenlernen wollen, hat er vor allem eine Empfehlung: zuhören.

Für das Reisen holt man sich oftmals Anregungen aus Büchern. Eine besondere Form von Reise-Ratgebern hat der Piper-Verlag aufgelegt, mit seinen "Gebrauchsanweisungen" für alle möglichen Länder. Über 100 Bände gibt es schon, zum Teil auch verfasst von Schriftsteller wie Ilja Trojanow, Antje Ravic Strubel oder Christian Kracht.

Jetzt gibt es eine neue "Gebrauchsanweisung": für Israel und Palästina. Geschrieben hat das Buch Martin Schäuble. Der noch junge Politikwissenschaftler hat unter anderem in Israel studiert, mit seiner Familie eine zeitlang in Ramallah gewohnt und inzwischen mehrere Bücher über die Region publiziert. ??? >>>

Die Palästinenser hatten in Gaza einmal einen Flughafen & einen Seehafen in GAZA "Gaza International Airport"
 Gebaut wurde er mit Geldern aus Deutschland, Spanien, Saudi-Arabien, Ägypten und Japan. - Zerstört wurde er von der israelischen Armee (IDF)  - Verantwortlich: Ministerpräsident Ariel Scharon, Verteidigungsminister Ehud Barak.

Soldiers gather children in Hebron neighborhood, photograph them and release them - B`Tselem - "On Tuesday, 24 May 2016, at around 7:30 P.M., several dozen soldiers came to the Jaber neighborhood in Hebron. [...] Testimonies given to B’Tselem [...] indicate that the soldiers passed through the neighborhood, gathering, seemingly at random, some twenty children and teens from the streets. The soldiers had them stand against a wall and began questioning them about an incident that occurred in the area earlier that day, in which stones were thrown at an Israeli bus. They then took a photo of every child and teen using a mobile phone and released them. B’Tselem obtained the details of fourteen of these minors, seven of whom are under the age of twelve – the cutoff age for criminal liability" >>>

Palestinian homes sprayed with waste water, their farmlands burned, and two siblings shot  -  Two siblings injured in Kufur Qaddoum; army sprays homes with wastewater IMEMC 4 June by Saed Bannoura — Israeli soldiers invaded, Friday, Kufur Qaddoum town, in the northern West Bank district of Qalqilia, and assaulted the weekly protesters, wounding two siblings with live rounds. The army also sprayed many homes with wastewater mixed with chemicals. Morad Eshteiwy, media coordinator of the Popular Committee in Kufur Qaddoum, said the soldiers invaded the town while firing live rounds, gas bombs and concussion grenades against the protesters, and homes. Eshteiwy added that the soldiers shot a young man, Hikmat, 19, and his brother, Omran, 20, with live rounds in their thighs, before local medics moved them to Rafidia governmental hospital. Eshteiwy added that clashes took place between the soldiers and local youths after many army vehicles, including a large armored bulldozer, invaded the town and sprayed several homes with wastewater mixed with chemicals, a substance frequently used against the residents and their homes as an act of collective punishment  >>>

Ayelet Waldman is going to change the American Jewish relationship to Israel - Yakov Hirsch - Palestinian laborers at Tarqumiya crossing, photo by Emil Salman in Haaretz accompanying article on Ayelet Waldman Palestinian laborers at Tarqumiya crossing, photo by Emil Salman in Haaretz accompanying article on Ayelet Waldman

The writer Ayelet Waldman and her husband novelist Michael Chabon have gotten a lot of attention for their outcry against the occupation in the Israeli press, the English press, the anti-Zionist press, the Iranian press, and the Zionist press. But they haven’t gotten much attention from the US mainstream. That is sure to change.

Haaretz has published a big piece on their forthcoming book project about the occupation. “The power couple of American literature wants to save Israel from itself. ” Waldman and Chabon have enlisted a group of “world-famous writers to document life under occupation.”

In that article, Waldman says things about Israel that for an American Jew are combative and rare. Born in Israel, she went back there for a writers’ festival in 2014 and needed to see the occupation for her conscience’s sake. She went on a Breaking the Silence tour of Hebron. And what she saw with her own eyes changed her life >>>

Neuer Aufruf von Ken Loach zum Boykott Israels - In der vergangenen Woche wurde der Film "3000 Nächte" im "Institut du Monde arabe" vorgeführt.

Der Film berichtet die Geschichte einer palästinensischen Frau, die in einem israelischen Gefängnis ein Kind bekommt. Ken Loach, der grade die "Goldene Palme " in Cannes bekommen hat, rief erneut zum Boykott Israels auf. Quelle.  Übersetzung von G. Nehls

VIDEO - französische Sprache

Attacks on BDS websites linked to Israel - Ali Abunimah - New evidence indicates Israel may be directly involved in attacks on the websites of the Palestinian BDS National Committee and other organizations supporting Palestinian rights.

The report came just days after a senior Israel lobby official indicated that Israel’s previously announced plans to fight the growing boycott, divestment and sanctions movement online were already being implemented.

The nonprofit online security service eQualit.ie analzyed six major attacks on the bdsmovement.net website in February and March this year.

These distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks involve flooding a website with traffic generated by botnets, overwhelming the site and making it inaccessible to legitimate users. Such attacks can last hours or sometimes days.

“Attackers build networks of infected computers, known as ‘botnets,’ by spreading malicious software through emails, websites and social media,” according to Digital Attack Map, a Google-sponsored project that tracks DDoS attacks. “Once infected, these machines can be controlled remotely, without their owners’ knowledge, and used like an army to launch an attack against any target.” >>>


Aktuelle  Kurznachrichten

Army Kidnaps PPS Head In Jerusalem

Palestinian Dies Of Serious Wounds Suffered Friday

Palestinian youth shot in the head by Israeli forces Friday succumbs to wounds

Israeli Soldiers Kidnap Two Palestinians In Ramallah, One In Qalqilia

Israeli Soldiers Kidnap Four Palestinians In Hebron

Soldiers Kidnap A Teen In Bethlehem, Child In Jerusalem

Palestinians commemorate Naksa, Israeli military attacks rallies

Israel's extremist settlers are aiming for the mainstream

Palestinian teen handed 18-year prison sentence after being convicted of stabbing Israeli

Empty Israeli bus reportedly attacked in Nablus

`Majority of Israeli public fearful of visiting Jerusalem`

PHOTOS- Nationalist Jewish-Israelis march through Jerusalem`s Muslim Quarter

5. 6. 2016

Israel lässt Reporter von iranischem TV-Sender wieder frei

Israeli Soldiers Kidnap Seventeen Palestinians In The West Bank

Palestinians rally in Gaza to mark 49 years of occupation

Israeli Navy Opens Fire On Palestinian Fishing Boats

Palestinian journalist and human rights defender’s interrogation extended once more by Israeli court

One Palestinian Injured In Gaza, Many Suffer Effects Of Teargas Inhalation

Two Siblings Injured In Kufur Qaddoum, Army Sprays Homes With Wastewater

Many Injured In Bil’in’s Weekly Nonviolent Protest

Global protests target Airbnb over Israeli settlement rentals

Israeli army detains Palestinian teen allegedly involved in Gaza tunnels

4. 6. 2016

Bundeswehr least Drohnen aus Israel - 580 Millionen-Miete
Mitbewerber General Atomics aus den USA. hatte den Deutschen eine vergleichbare Zahl von Kampfdrohnen des Typs Predator für gerade mal 400 Millionen Euro zum Kauf angeboten.

Web documentary aims to tell stories of Gaza’s ‘obliterated families’

78% of Israelis support annexing West Bank settlement Ma’aleh Adumim

Palestinian parliamentarian Khalida Jarrar returns to West Bank after more than a year in Israeli prison

How one Jerusalem neighborhood has been left to fend for itself

List of Non-profits That Would Be Affected by Proposed NGO Bill Revealed

Gaza is a concentration camp, and it's an American delusion not to recognize that -- Weschler

Army Kidnaps A Palestinian Near Hebron

One Palestinian Injured In Gaza, Many Suffer Effects Of Teargas Inhalation

Two Siblings Injured In Kufur Qaddoum, Army Sprays Homes With Wastewater

Many Injured In Bil’in’s Weekly Nonviolent Protest

Bethlehem- Scores Join Freedom March ; Saying Enough 49 Years of Occupation

Wiping Palestinian history off the map in Jaffa

Israel discusses Gaza war crimes with ICC prosecutor


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