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Holocaust survivor and activist for justice Hedy Epstein dies at 91
26. 5. 2016

The following obituary for Hedy Epstein was sent to us by Dianne Lee. Epstein was a friend and mentor to us at Mondoweiss, and she will be sorely missed.

Holocaust survivor Hedy Epstein, 91, died at her home in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, on May 26, 2016. An internationally renowned, respected and admired advocate for human and civil rights, Hedy was encircled by friends who lovingly cared for her at home.

Born August 15, 1924, in the Bavarian region of Germany, her lifelong commitment to human rights was formed by the horrific experiences she and her family endured under the repressive Nazi regime.

Unable to secure travel documents for themselves, Hedy’s parents, Hugo and Ella (Eichel) Wachenheimer, arranged for 14-year-old Hedy to leave Germany on a Kindertransport. Hedy credited her parents with giving her life a second time when they sent her to England to live with kind-hearted strangers. Hedy’s parents, grandparents, and most of her aunts, uncles and cousins did not survive the Holocaust. Hedy remained in England until 1945 when she returned to Germany to work for the United States Civil Service. She joined the Nuremberg Doctors Trial prosecution in 1946 as a research analyst. >>>

Dokumentation der Veranstaltung von BDS Berlin am 22. Mai 2016 in Berlin
„Der Aufruf der palästinensischen Zivilgesellschaft zu Boykott, Kapitalentzug und Sanktionen und die Reaktionen in Deutschland und Israel.“ >>>



Army Fires Missiles Into Qassam Centers, Says Shells Were Fired From Gaza >>>


Pro-palästinensische „Inspektoren“ wollen keine israelischen Produkte in niederländischen Supermärkten - Mitglieder der pro-palästinesischen Bewegung „Diensten Onderzoek Centrum Palestina“ (DocP) (Untersuchungsdienst Zentrum Palästina) haben in den Niederlanden dutzende Supermärkte besucht, um israelische Produkte zu registrieren und zu deren Boykott aufzurufen.

Unter anderem in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Groningen, Leiden und Den Haag suchten Gruppen von sechs bis acht sogenannten Inspektoren in Supermärkten systematisch nach Produkten, aus dem Westjordanland, respektive Judäa und Samaria und das Label „produziert in Israel“ tragen. Anschliessend übergaben sie dem zuständigen Filialleiter Listen mit „infizierten Produkten“, von Orangen bis hin zu vegetarischen Fleischersatzprodukten. Gemäss DocP dürfen solche Produkte nicht mehr verkauft werden. Die „Aktivisten“ meldeten darüberhinaus die Zwischenstände der gefunden Produkte an Beteiligte vor dem Supermarkt, um die Resultate auf ein grosses Plakat zu notieren. Ausserdem wurden Flyer an die einkaufenden Kunden verteilt, welche raten, keine israelischen Produkte mehr zu kaufen. >>>

Wuppertal - „Else“ plant Austausch mit Palästina - Von Katharina Rüth - Delegation der Gesamtschule hat jetzt eine Mädchen- und eine Jungenschule in Dura besucht.

Wuppertal. Wenn alles klappt, können Schüler der Gesamtschule Else Lasker-Schüler demnächst nicht nur in Wuppertals Partnerstadt Beer Scheva in Israel fahren, sondern auch in eine palästinensische Stadt: Die Schule will mit einer Jungen- und einer Mädchenschule in Dura bei Hebron eine Partnerschaft aufbauen.

Anfang April ist eine Delegation ins Westjordanland geflogen. „Es war wirklich alles sehr positiv“, berichtet Schulleiterin Dorothee Kleinherbers-Boden. „Wir können uns das jetzt sehr gut vorstellen.“ Sie seien mit großer Gastfreundschaft empfangen worden. Vor allem habe sie die Haltung der Stadt und der Schulen beeindruckt: „Sie setzen sehr auf Bildung, damit junge Leute nicht in den Terrorismus abrutschen. Sie wollen ihnen vielmehr die Augen für die Welt öffnen.“ >>>

Israeli authorities transfer political prisoner Marwan Barghouti to undisclosed location - Israeli prison authorities transferred detained prominent Palestinian parliament member Marwan Barghouti from Israel's Ramon prison to an unidentified location on Thursday, according to Palestinian sources.

Barghouti, a member of Fatah’s central committee, was transferred to Israel’s Ramon prison five days before the most recent transfer to an undisclosed location, according to a statement by the Palestinian Committee of Prisoners' Affairs.

While Barghouti was held in Ramon, he was reportedly prevented from moving between sections of the prison or communicating with other prisoners.

The committee stated Israeli Prison Services were responsible for arbitrary violations and abuses against the imprisoned politician. Barghouti, a leading politician in the Fatah party, entered the 15th year of his prison sentence this year. >>>


Leaders of Belgium's parliament nominate Marwan Barghouti for Nobel Peace Prize >>>

Opinion - If Bernie Sanders Has an Actual Plan for Israel and the Palestinians, He’d Better Say So Now - Jane Eisner - To this unpredictable, irony-filled presidential election campaign, add this: The first Jewish candidate to win state primaries and amass millions of votes is also the one trying to steer the Democratic Party platform away from its full-throated support of Israel.

By appointing outspoken critics of the Israeli government as his representatives on the platform committee, Bernie Sanders is treading a risky political path. He can claim to shore up his base by including ardently pro-Palestinian voices and further boast that he is making the platform committee more reflective of the shifting mood of a slice of the Democratic electorate.
James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute and one of Sanders’ choices for the platform committee.

But to what end? Prompting a convention fight over Israel will only give succor to Republicans eager to compensate for their own presumed candidate’s ignorance and weakness on Israel and the Palestinians. >>>

Daughters of #Palestinian martyr "Maram Taha" who killed by #Israeli forces, visit their mother's grave in Qatana town, near the occupied #Jerusalem .

Israel steps up war on Palestinian culture - Alia Al Ghussain - The Palestinian community in Haifa enjoyed a small victory in March when a theater successfully challenged the Israeli government to win reinstatement of official funding cut after controversy over the staging of a play about prisoners last year.

But the reinstatement also threw into focus the constraints on Palestinian artistic expression in present-day Israel and some saw the resumption of official funding as a double-edged sword.

On 29 March, al-Midan Theater reached agreement with the Israeli culture ministry to resume the transfer of public funds to the theater, as well as to unfreeze outstanding funding for last year, ending a stand-off that started in May 2015.

The ministry had frozen al-Midan’s public funding after the theater staged Bashar Murkus’ play A Parallel Time, which revolves around the lives of six Palestinian prisoners and a jailer in an Israeli prison.

Adalah, a Haifa-based legal center, alleged that the ministry’s decision was taken for “political reasons.”

Acting on behalf of al-Midan, Adalah filed a petition against the decision in October 2015.

The legal grounding for the ministry’s decision was dubious from the outset, according to Adalah. The group argued that the decision was illegal and “did not meet the basic requirements of administrative law.” No hearing was held before the decision was made, no formal reasoning was provided for the decision and it did not have any proper factual basis, the legal center said. >>>

Israel is “infected by the seeds of fascism” and has been taken over by “extremists,” warn ex-prime minister and defense ministers - Ben Norton - Ehud Barak, the former Israeli prime minister and defense minister, said in an interview on Israeli TV on Friday night that fascistic, extreme right-wing politics are on the rise in his country, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported. >>>

A Window Into the West Bank’s ‘Wildest, Most Violent’ Areas - James Glanz - The New York Times - With shoulder-length hair tumbling from beneath his knit skullcap, Hanamel Dorfman, a radical young Israeli settler, explains matter-of-factly on camera how hilltop settlement outposts like his own will continue to proliferate across the West Bank. From there, he says bluntly, Israelis will cross the Jordan River and start building on the other side. Reminded that beyond the river there is another sovereign nation, Jordan, Mr. Dorfman says with an unwavering gaze, “Everything is temporary." >>>


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