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Montag, 13. Januar 2025 - 10:03

Netanyahu will Angehörige von Attentätern nach Gaza abschieben - Israels Regierungschef bittet Generalstaatsanwalt um Rechtsauskunft -  Israels Regierungschef Benjamin Netanyahu will Angehörige von Attentätern, die bei Anschlägen geholfen haben, in den Gazastreifen abschieben. Er habe den Generalstaatsanwalt um eine Rechtsauskunft gebeten, ob dies möglich sei, erklärte Netanyahus Büro am Mittwoch.

"Die Verbannung von Familienmitgliedern palästinensischer Terroristen, die bei den Angriffen halfen, wird eine spürbare Verringerung der Zahl der Terroranschläge bewirken", schrieb dazu ein Regierungssprecher im Kurzbotschaftendienst
Generalstaatsanwalt Avichai Mandelblit, der zugleich als Rechtsberater der Regierung fungiert, hatte auf einen ähnlichen Vorstoß von Geheimdienstminister Yisrael Katz vor wenigen Tagen ablehnend reagiert. >>>

Military bulldozers target Ni’lin shops - Friday the 26th of February Israeli occupation forces invaded Ni'lin in the middle of the night. They brought with them ten military jeeps and two bulldozers to destroy shops in the eastern parts of the village. Seven shops, including car workshops, glass shops and grocerie stores were destoryed ruining the main source of income for 16 families in the village. Several expensive machines belonging to the shops were also destoyed. >>>

In Israel, racism is the law : Successive Israeli governments since 1948 are responsible for the institutionalised discrimination against Palestinians - Ben White - Aljazeera - On January 3, two Palestinians were removed from an Aegean Airlines flight from Athens to Tel Aviv, after Jewish Israelis claimed that they constituted a "security risk". The incident made headlines worldwide. A month later, a Tel Aviv-based cleaning company sparked outrage with a flyer that priced its staff based on ethnicity. The story was also covered around the world >>>

Israel’s silent war on the children of Palestine - International Solidarity Movement, Al-Khalil team - Apartheid can be defined as any system or practice that separates people according to colour, ethnicity, etc. The structures built throughout the Palestinian territories are representative of this process of separation and the collective punishment imposed by the zionist State of Israel. Not only are the Palestinians encaged by an immoral apartheid wall built on illegal boundaries, but the young kids of the nation are being exposed to similar structures of division on a daily basis, teaching them a self image of contempt, isolation and inferiority. >>>

Is Sisi Plotting With Israel To Have Dahlan Replace Abbas? - Alan Hart - Information Clearing House - "Information Clearing House" -It`s not too much of a secret that Egypt`s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, a Trump-like megalomaniac and a tyrant with few equals, is happy to do dirty work for Israel. And it may now be that he is seeking to prepare the ground for Mohammed Dahlan, almost certainly an American and Israeli intelligence asset (not a fulltime agent) to succeed Mahmoud Abbas as president of the Palestinian Authority  >>>

FROM OCCUPATION TO ANNEXATION : THE SILENT ADOPTION OF THE LEVY REPORT THE SILENT ADOPTION OF THE LEVY REPORT ON RETROACTIVE AUTHORIZATION OF ILLEGAL CONSTRUCTION IN THE WEST BANK - Yesh Din - A new position paper by "Yesh Din" describes how the Government of Israel (GOI) unofficially adopted the Levy Report and is working towards implementing its recommendations and legal doctrine. The position paper demonstrates how over the past three and a half years the GOI has been gradually absolving itself of its duty to act within international law, and extricating itself from its duty to protect the property of the protected Palestinian population. This is a policy of de-facto annexation, while Israel refrains from officially annexing the West Bank, a step which would require granting Palestinian residents of the West Bank citizenship and equal rights.>>>

The right to boycott is non-negotiable - Amjad Iraqi - Regardless of one’s views of BDS, it is ridiculous that one should have to tell self-proclaimed ‘democracies’ that the right to boycott is a basic civil right, not a punishable crime.

Last week, over 120 people attended a conference in Nazareth on the subject of “BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) and ‘48 Palestinians (citizens living inside Israel’s 1948 borders).” Although the discussions were lively, many participants were cautious with their choice of words: Israel’s Anti-Boycott Law – which allows groups and citizens to be sued for calling for a boycott of Israeli institutions, including settlements – cast a heavy shadow over the event.

The anxiety of discussing the subject of boycott would have seemed an implausible scenario a decade ago. Boycotts, we always learned, are a legitimate method of political expression, praised in our history books and modern politics as an example of how nonviolence can be more powerful, moral, and strategic in advancing human rights struggles around the world.

Now, in a corrupt twist, the very countries that purport to uphold civil rights have become the main forces undermining them. In recent months (and years), governments and local authorities in the USA, France, the UK, and others have advanced new laws, administrative decisions, and behind-the-scenes pressures to stem the rising tide of BDS activities – simply because they are being applied against Israel. This transnational counter-movement, as Glenn Greenwald and Andrew Fishman recently detailed in the Intercept, is part of a “very coordinated and well-financed campaign” to censor BDS – and “it is succeeding.” >>>

Infamous settler Anat Cohen disrupts peaceful commemoration - On Wednesday evening, 24th February 2015, a commemoration for the victims of the 1994 Ibrahimi Mosque massacre in occupied al-Khalil (Hebron), was interrupted by infamous settlers attacking the group of Palestinians and internationals peacefully remembering those killed and the implications of this massacre on basic Palestinians rights.

The residents of the Salaymeh neighbourhood which is located directly next to the Ibrahimi Mosque, have been gathering every day around a nightly bonfire for the last few months. Doing so as an act of defiance against settlers from the illegal settlements, foremost among them infamous settler Baruch Marzel, gathering at a settler-only bus-stop across the street. With their presence, the Palestinians are demonstrating that despite the lethal and non-lethal violence they have to face by settlers, they will not be intimidated by them.

On Wednesday evening, Palestinians and international supporters gathered in an event organised by Youth Against Settlements as part of their Open Shuhada Street campaign. With the importance of this gathering being to stress the vital yet peacefully displayed acts of resistance and defiance against the settlers and Israeli forces’ continuous acts of intimidation, harassment and violence. For the families, the event can and will never be linked to any organisation or party, but will always stay an act of popular resistance any person is invited and welcome to join, as it’s not a one-time event that gives them a feeling of security and solidarity, but the everyday gathering around this symbolic bonfire that is called the ‘tanakeh’ (Arabic word for the barrel the bonfire is lit in). >>>

Israeli escalation at al-Aqsa - A documented statistical report and field investigations for the course of events in al-Aqsa Mosque in February 2016, showed that the number of Israeli intruders into al-Aqsa Mosque has multiplied by about 120% compared to January.

In January, the number of intruders was 511 while it reached 1149 intruders in February, 2016, most of whom were settlers and members of Jewish groups.

The report, prepared by the Media Center for Jerusalem and al-Aqsa Affairs (QPress), pointed that the events that occurred in February in al-Aqsa Mosque and the old town of Jerusalem, and their vicinity, indicated a planned escalation by the Israeli occupation authorities (IOA) and an excessive targeting of al-Aqsa Mosque.

Such Israeli violations against al-Aqsa Mosque might be increased in the months of March and April during the Jewish holiday season, the report warned.

Increased incursions
- During the month of February, 841 settlers, individuals and groups belonging to Jewish extremist organizations, stormed al-Aqsa Mosque. Meanwhile, 85 intelligence elements and 188 soldiers in military clothes violated sanctity of the holy Islamic site in exploration and military guiding tours, along with 55 Jewish students, 4 Israeli high-ranking officers, and 3 employees in the so-called Israeli Antiquities Authority >>>

Israeli navy attacks and seriously wounds Gaza fishermen - One month ago Mohamed Said El Saidi, 23 years old, and his brother went back to the sea around 5am in order to pick up the nets that they had previously left 2 miles offshore in Deir El Balah.

When they arrived they saw an Israeli warship waiting for them in the distance, once they had collected their nets the Israeli navy vessel approached and told them to stop. “We decided to try escape… we couldn’t afford loosing the boat and the nets”.

However they couldn’t go too far, as the Israeli soldiers immediately shot Mahmoud 11 times with a unique kind of projectile that consists of a cloth bag full of buckshots. They soldiers shot him 8 times in the leg and 3 times to the head. The damage from the shots left him unable to walk, as he couldn’t feel his leg, he was also left very dizzy and disoriented. >>>

Graffiti in Palestine's camps . - During the First Intifada, with Palestinians often confined to their houses under lengthy curfews the clandestine scrawling of messages on walls in refugee camps, cities and villages became acts of resistance. These messages became like newspapers or today's social media, acting as places to mobilise people or publicise news. Messages would often only be visible for a few hours before they were spotted by patrolling Israeli soldiers and local children were forced to whitewash them.

With the arrival of the Palestinian Authority and their theoretical 'control' - at least on paper - of Palestinian city centres, these traditions of writing messages on walls began to develop in to more detailed paintings whilst the national themes - resistance, return, identity - often remained constant.

Israel's Apartheid Wall later became a canvas for some, although many Palestinians rejected this notion believing the Wall should not be touched with colours in fear of diluting the acknowledgement of its devastating effects. These acts were referred to by some as 'beautification' while others went as far as calling painting on the wall 'normalisation' with the occupation. >>>

Bedouin town slated for destruction is true test for Israelis - The Negev comprises two thirds of Israel’s territory, but only 10 percent of citizens lives there. It is thus no coincidence that the Jewish settlement of Hiran is being planned directly atop the ruins of the Bedouin village Umm al-Hiran. This is a test for all Israelis, and I really hope we do not fail. - Michal Rotem

On January 17, Israel’s Supreme Court judges decided not to hold an additional hearing on the future of the Bedouin villages Atir and Umm al-Hiran. Legally speaking, this means that the court’s May decision, according to which there is no barrier to evacuating the residents to the town of Hura and destroying their villages, remained in tact. As far as the reality in the Negev, it means that there is nothing stopping the government from destroying one Bedouin village in order to build a Jewish town in its place, and there is nothing stopping the government from destroying a second Bedouin village in order to expand the Yatir forest on its ruins. >>>

Israel holding Palestinian clown in administrative detention - Noam Rotem - Mohammed Abu Sakha has devoted his life to helping children throughout the West Bank as a clown and circus performer and trainer. He has been held without charge by Israel for three months, and as a result, the program for special needs children he was running has closed.

Three months ago, as Mohammed Abu Sakha was driving to visit his parents near Jenin, and passed the Za’atara checkpoint, he was arrested by soldiers . Not long after, he was put under administrative detention, held without charge or trial. He has since been held in Israel’s Megiddo prison.

Abu Sakha is a clown. He operates the Palestinian Circus School in the West Bank, teaching circus performance to Palestinian children. Abu Sakha started learning the art of circus nine years ago, when he was 14 years old, and since then, it has become his entire life. He lives near the circus and spends his entire day working there. He is also busy writing his book there about how to teach therapy for special needs children through the art of circus. His friends say that children that didn’t know how to take a step when they met him can now walk thanks to him. >>>



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Palestinian farmers attacked by Israeli troops in southern Gaza

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Israeli court orders 420 acres of land to be returned to Palestinian ownersMarch 2, 2016

Israeli forces demolish building under construction in JerusalemMarch 2, 2016

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