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Nachrichten - Berichte
International Criminal Court Prepares to Try Israelis over War Crimes
Israel Notifies 3 Prisoner’s Families of Order to Demolish Homes
France Deplores New Israeli Settlement Expansion Plans
Israeli Troops Assault Demonstrators in Kufur Qaddoum; Fire Tear Gas
11. 1. 2020
European Union Denounces Israel’s Settlement Expansion
BDS Concludes 2019 with Remarkable Achievements
10. 1. 2020
Palestinians react to Soleimani assassination with indifference towards Iran, anger towards America
Jewish National Fund to host genocide promoter
Palestinian Prisoner Continues to Suffer Torture in Israeli Prison
Israel Forms Committee To Boost Colonialist Activities In Occupied West Bank
Updated- “Soldiers Abduct Eight Palestinians, Including One Child, In West Bank”
In Zuabi’s ‘Grey Rock’, a Palestinian rocketman dreams of reaching the moon
Israeli Bar Association Revokes License of Palestinian Lawyer
Jordan Denounces Israeli Decision To Build 1936 Colonialist Units In West Bank
9. 1. 2020
Trump thwarts rebuilding of Gaza towers
Al-Aqsa Congregation Assaulted by Israeli Police
Four Palestinians Near Hebron Handed Demolition Notices
Israeli Settlers and Army Raze Palestinian Lands Near Hebron
Israeli Soldiers Abduct A Wounded Palestinian Teen In Hebron
8. 1. 2020
Peace Now - Israel will weitere Siedlerwohnungen in besetzten Gebieten bauen
Palestinian Family Homeless After Israel Ordered Home Demolished
Israeli Military Court Rejects Appeal of Palestinian Prisoner on Hunger Strike for 107 Days
Longest Serving Palestinian Prisoners Have Spent 38 Years in Israeli Prison
Israeli Prosecution Indicts Five Jerusalemite Palestinian Political Prisoners
Peace Now- 1,936 Israeli Settlement Units Approved for Occupied West Bank
Orthodox Kick Off Christmas Day Celebrations in Bethlehem
Fateh Official- Israel’s Settlement Colonization is an Illegal Presence That Must Be Removed
7. 1. 2020
In 2019, Israel Demolished 686 Homes in West Bank, Almost Half in Jerusalem
Israeli Forces Seize 9 Residential Structures in Jordan Valley
Foreign Minister to Disclose Israeli Campaigns Against East Jerusalem to ICC
Permalink to Why we march for justice and not just us
Palestinians in Gaza are bringing their stories of siege to Israelis
You don’t need to mourn Qassem Soleimani to be deeply worried
7. 1. 2020
Over 13 million Palestinians in the world by end of 2019
Waqf Calls on Israel to Halt All Work at Al-Aqsa
Ramon Detainees Transferred to Nafha
Israeli PM Rushes Home from Greece, Closes Ski Resort Over “Possible Threats”
5. 1. 2020
Why Trump is escalating the US-Israeli war on Iran
Israeli Forces Halt Construction of Palestinian Home Near Bethlehem
Assassination splits Israel supporters on party lines
Israeli Army Confiscates Five Tractors from Palestinian Farmers
PLO Official- Palestinians Reject Attempts to Criminalize Legitimate National Struggle
Palestinian Moderately Injured After Being Rammed By Israeli Colonists’ Car
Soldiers Assault Worshipers In Bab ar-Rahma Mosque, Abduct Two
Israel to Demolish Family Home of 2 Palestinian Prisoners
4. 1. 2020
Palestinian Moderately Injured After Being Rammed By Israeli Colonists’ Car
Soldiers Assault Worshipers In Bab ar-Rahma Mosque, Abduct Two
Israel to Demolish Family Home of 2 Palestinian Prisoners
Soldiers Injure Many Palestinians In Beit Ummar
Israeli Security Guards Ransack Palestinian Tents in Jordan Valley
3. 1. 2020
Dr. Ashrawi- Israel’s Plan to Replace Jerusalem UNRWA Schools a Part of War on Palestinian Rights
Netanyahu to Ask for Immunity from Corruption Charges
Worshippers at Al-Aqsa Assaulted by Israeli Police
149 Palestinians Killed by Israelis in 2019, Including 33 Children
Soldiers Bulldoze Large Areas Of Palestinian Lands Near Qalqilia
Thousands Attend Fateh Anniversary Rally in Gaza City
2. 1. 2020
Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu will Immunität beantragen
Michael Lynk- ICC Probe “Momentous Step Forward in the Quest for Accountability”
Netanyahu’s Eligibility to Form Government Considered by Supreme Court
Waqf Director- Nearly 30,000 Israelis Invaded Al-Aqsa in 2019
Israeli Forces Storm Uproot Palestinian Olive Trees South of Bethlehem
Peace Bridge, Derry City, Ireland, December
Palestinian Ordered to Remove Room, Balcony, Olive Trees
Israeli Forces Seize Residential Tents, Animal Barns in Jordan Valley
Soldiers Demolish Two Flats In Silwan
1. 1. 2020
Gaza Still Unresolved Approaching 2020
The UN predicted Gaza would be unlivable by 2020. They were right
REPORT- Over 13 Million Palestinians Worldwide by 2020
The last decade brought the conflict
to the U.S., and that is progress
Israel Detained 5,500 Palestinians in 2019, Including 889 Children
Israeli Forces Arrest 12 Palestinian Young Men From Jerusalem
VIDEO- Israeli Forces Arrest Palestinian Youth Beaten by Settlers
Waqf Director- Nearly 30,000 Israelis Invaded Al-Aqsa in 2019
Settlers Attack and Injure West Bank Commuters
31. 12. 2019
Israel erwägt offenbar langfristige Waffenruhe mit Hamas
Will ICC pierce Israel's bubble of impunity-
Ashrawi- Withholding of Tax Revenues “Criminal Act of Collective Punishment”
Palestinian FM- “Systematic Economic War Waged by the Israeli Occupation”
The illusion of stability is key to the Israeli right’s rule
Netanyahu Announces Six-Point Plan to Annex Palestinian Land, Defeat Iran
Hundreds of Settlers Invade Joseph’s Tomb, 9 Palestinians Injured
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