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Nachrichten - Berichte
Gaza Still Unresolved Approaching 2020
The UN predicted Gaza would be unlivable by 2020. They were right
REPORT- Over 13 Million Palestinians Worldwide by 2020
The last decade brought the conflict
to the U.S., and that is progress
Israel Detained 5,500 Palestinians in 2019, Including 889 Children
Israeli Forces Arrest 12 Palestinian Young Men From Jerusalem
VIDEO- Israeli Forces Arrest Palestinian Youth Beaten by Settlers
Waqf Director- Nearly 30,000 Israelis Invaded Al-Aqsa in 2019
Settlers Attack and Injure West Bank Commuters
31. 12. 2019
Israel erwägt offenbar langfristige Waffenruhe mit Hamas
Will ICC pierce Israel's bubble of impunity-
Ashrawi- Withholding of Tax Revenues “Criminal Act of Collective Punishment”
Palestinian FM- “Systematic Economic War Waged by the Israeli Occupation”
The illusion of stability is key to the Israeli right’s rule
Netanyahu Announces Six-Point Plan to Annex Palestinian Land, Defeat Iran
Hundreds of Settlers Invade Joseph’s Tomb, 9 Palestinians Injured
Israeli Soldiers Abduct Thirteen Palestinians in Hebron, Ramallah And Tulkarem
Anti-Siege Committee- Urgent and Decisive Intervention Needed in Gaza
PODCAST- The Palestinian musician shattering taboos
Palestinian Farmers Prevented from Working on Their Own Land
31. 12. 2019
The Freedom Flotilla Will Make its 36th Attempt to Sail to Gaza in 2020
Israeli FM- Tel Aviv to Resume “Policy of Assassinations”
Detainees Recount Stories of Abuse in Israeli Detention
29. 12. 2019
Israeli Troops Attack Non-Violent ‘March of Return’ Protests in Gaza
Report- Israeli snipers target Gaza protesters in the eyes
After Nearly 100 Days Of Hunger Strike, Ahmad Zahran Still Imprisoned Without Charge
Palestinian officials- Israeli plan on land registration proves the ICC is on the right track
PCHR- “86th GMR- IOF Shot and Injured 39 Palestinian Civilians, Including 11 Children and a Woman”
Family of Slain Palestinian Say Israeli Officials Are Lying About How He Was Killed
28. 12. 2019
Israel: Netanjahu kündigt Annektierung im Westjordanland an
Israeli Settlers to be Evicted from Al-Bakri Building in Hebron
Family of Slain Palestinian Say Israeli Officials Are Lying About How He Was Killed
OCHA- 29 Structures Demolished in Past Two Weeks
Palestinian President- “No Elections Can be Held Without Jerusalem”
The Israeli right’s fury is driven by fear of Palestinian citizens
Flying Palestine's flag in Hawaiʻi
27. 12. 2019
Israel: Benjamin Netanyahu erklärt sich zum Sieger bei Parteichef-Wahl
Israel Jets and Helicopters Strike Gaza in Response to Alleged Rocket Fire
Palestinian President- “No Elections Can be Held Without Jerusalem”
ICC decision to investigate war crimes touches Israelis’ deepest fear (accountability)
VIDEO- The Threat Facing Christianity In Jerusalem
Israel admits ‘mistake’ in killing Gaza family, refocuses blame on Palestinian factions
Palestinian Prisoners’ Society- At Least Seven Palestinians Detained from West Bank
Over 9,000 Palestinians displaced in a decade of West Bank demolitions
Mother- ‘I Could Not Recognise my Daughter due to Severe Torture Inside Israeli Jails’
3000 New Settlement Units to be Approved for the West Bank
Palestinian Arrested for Alleged Stabbing of Settler
The fight to expose Israel’s arms sales to the world’s most repressive regimes
26. 12. 2019
Israeli Forces Infiltrate Gaza Border, Raze Lands near Beit Hanoun
Israel: Armee räumt Fehler bei Luftangriff im Gazastreifen ein
Israeli Bulldozers Raze Land in Northern Gaza
Palestinian Prisoner Barghouthi to Run for Prime Minister
Palestinian FM- “Denial of the Palestinian Right to This Land is Anti-Semitism Itself”
Over 9,000 Palestinians displaced in a decade of West Bank demolitions
The fight to expose Israel’s arms sales to the world’s most repressive regimes
26. 12. 2019
Israel: Wachstumsrate der Christen in Israel sinkt
Netanyahu Freezes Plans to Annex Jordan Valley
Palestinian FM- “Denial of the Palestinian Right to This Land is Anti-Semitism Itself”
Israel Discusses Denying ICC Staff Entry into Israel
Over 9,000 Palestinians displaced in a decade of West Bank demolitions
Thousands Gather in Bethlehem for Christmas Celebrations
A decade in review: the moments that shaped the past 10 years in Israel/Palestine
Israel Detains 31 Palestinians Including University Professor and Two Minors
Israeli Bulldozers Level Palestinian Land Near Nablus
Residential Structures Destroyed by Soldiers Near Hebron
24. 12. 2019
Adalah- “We Believe That the ICC has Full Jurisdiction to Decide on the Concerned Criminal Cases
Issawiya — the East Jerusalem neighborhood at the forefront of occupation
Konflikt - Syrien wehrt Angriff aus Israel ab
Israeli Soldiers Dismantle Shacks and Barn in Northern Jordan Valley
Israeli Forces Uproot Trees, Confiscate Tents, Declare Area ‘Closed Military Zone’
Switzerland Resumes UNRWA Funding
Israeli Media- Top Officials ‘Liable to Prosecution’ for War Crimes
Israeli Forces Storm West Bank Town, Palestinians Resist and Suffocate on Tear-Gas
Palestinian Administrative Detainee Zahran Hearing Postponed, Remains in Serious Condition
23. 12. 2019
Palestinian Administrative Detainee Zahran Hearing Postponed, Remains in Serious Condition
Flying Palestine's flag in Hawai'i
Malaysia PM- “Israel Should be Tried by the ICC”
When the Shin Bet rounds up Palestinians, Israeli media stops asking questions
ICC Responds to Mounting Calls for Action, Opens Official Investigation into War Crimes in Palestine
The many faces of Benjamin Netanyahu
To counter Trump’s executive order, rethink America’s blank check to Israel
22. 12. 2019
ICC Responds to Mounting Calls for Action, Opens Official Investigation into War Crimes in Palestine
USA empört über mögliche Ermittlungen gegen Israel
Al-Qanu- Gaza Border Rallies Will Not Stop
Army Forces West Bank Farmers Off Their Land
Palestinian Officials Respond to ICC Decision- “A Positive and Encouraging Step”
22. 12. 2019
ICC moves towards full investigation into Israeli war crimes, pending ruling on jurisdiction
Report- UN Body Criticizes Israel’s Racial Segregation Policies
Human Rights Watch- Israel Using Draconian Military Orders to Repress Palestinians
UN Envoy- Israel Has Pushed Forward Plans to Build 22,000 New Housing Units in Settlements
Church of Scotland Calls on Israel to Make Holy Sites Accessible to Gazans during Holidays
Even with a liberal government, Canada disregards Palestinian rights
Illegal Israeli Colonists Attack Shepherd, Unleash Their Dogs Toward Him Near Bethlehem
Illegal Israeli Colonists Burn Two Palestinian Cars, Write Racist Graffiti, Near Nablus
Congress Rejects Funding for Trump’s “Deal of the Century”
Israeli Settlers Uproot and Steal 300 Palestinian Owned Olive Trees Near Bethlehem
20. 12. 2019
Israeli Settlers Sabotage Road Equipment For a Second Time
Updated- Israeli Missile Kills A Palestinain In Gaza
When the Shin Bet rounds up Palestinians, Israeli media stops asking questions
Army Searches Many Homes In Northern Plains
Facing Reality- moving on from the two-state solution in Ian Lustick’s ‘Paradigm Lost’
Israel Unilaterally Decreases Gaza’s Fishing Zone
Israel Places 15 Year Old Under Administrative Detention
19. 12. 2019
Israel has suspended core Palestinian rights for a half-century
Human Rights Watch- Grant Palestinians Equal Rights
Israeli Settlers Sabotage Road Equipment For a Second Time
Including Five Children, Israeli Soldiers Abduct Eight Palestinian Women In Jerusalem
Soldiers Demolish A Home In Al-‘Isawiya
18. 12. 2019
Palestinian Detainee Transferred to Hospital After Suffering a Stroke
How activists got a congress member to introduce a bill on behalf of Palestinian children
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