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Samstag, 24. Oktober 2020 - 15:25

Im Vergleich zu Israel ist die Mafia ein Waisenknabe -  Abi Melzer - Ein Skandal wird vom nächsten abgelöst und Israel kommt nicht zur Ruhe. Noch haben wir nicht die Lynch-artige Tötung eines Palästinensers verdaut und schon steht der nächste Skandal in den Überschriften aller Zeitungen.

Auf ihrem Weg zu einem vollkommen faschistischen Staat – besonders wenn man von einem Faschismus spricht, der einen religiösen Hintergrund hat – muss die Gesellschaft eine gründliche Dehumanisierung durchleben. Das führt dazu, dass man ohne zu zögern einen am Boden liegenden verwundeten Palästinenser, auch wenn er von manchen Terrorist genannt werden sollte, erschießt oder, dass man sich an den Ressourcen des Staates bedient, als wären sie Privateigentum.

Arje Deri, der angeblich charismatische Führer der ultraorthodoxen Shas-Partei,, war schon einmal, unter der Führung von Itzchak Rabin, Mitglied einer Regierung, die er aber wegen Korruption und Annahme von Bestechungsgelder verlassen musste. Er war 12 Jahre vom politischen Leben entfernt, davon vier Jahre im Gefängnis. Kaum war er raus, da kehrte er in das politische Leben zurück, was für sich allein schon Empörung verursachte und vor allem Staunen über die Chuzpeh.

Es dauerte nicht lange und seine Stunde ist tatsächlich gekommen. Benjamin Netanjahu hat ihn für die Bildung seiner rechts-radikalen Regierung gebraucht und gab ihm das Wirtschaftsministerium. Sein engster Vertrauter wurde Religionsminister und so hatte Deri zwei mächtige Ministerien, über deren Konten viel Geld fließt. Und so musste es kommen, wie es nun gekommen ist: Gegen Deri läuft wieder eine Untersuchung wegen Korruption und Annahme von Bestechungsgelder. Da kennt er sich aus. Die Frage ist freilich nicht worin sich Deri auskennt, sondern wieso die israelische Gesellschaft sich in Deri wieder so geirrt hat. >>>


Politiker Arie Deri - Israels Innenminister erneut unter Korruptionsverdacht - Israels Innenminister Arie Deri steht erneut im Verdacht der Korruption. Der Generalstaatsanwalt hat eine Prüfung im Falle Deri genehmigt, wie der israelische Rundfunk am Mittwoch berichtete. Der Innenminister teilte auf Twitter mit, er stehe für alle Fragen zur Verfügung. Deri war bereits im Jahr 2000 wegen Korruption während seiner damaligen Tätigkeit als Innenminister zu drei Jahren Haft verurteilt worden.

Der Vorsitzende der ultra-orthodoxen Schas-Partei war erst im Januar wieder auf den Posten des Innenministers gekommen. Israels Generalstaatsanwalt Jehuda Weinstein hatte Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu damals mitgeteilt, eine erneute Ernennung Deris zum Innenminister sei juristisch möglich, obwohl sie «an der Grenze der Angemessenheit» liege. Vor >>>

Kurzkommentar - Arie Deri ist Wirtschaftsminister.

Soldaten zerstören Wohnung von palästinensischem Angreifer - Israelische Soldaten haben die Wohnung der Familie eines palästinensischen Angreifers im südlichen Westjordanland zerstört. Sicherheitskräfte umstellten am frühen Donnerstagmorgen das Haus in Hebron, wie Zeugen berichteten. Die israelische Armee bestätigte den Vorgang und verwies auf eine Anordnung der Regierung.

Der Palästinenser hatte im Dezember in Hebron einen Israeli mit einem Messer angegriffen. Der Mann starb Wochen später an seinen Verletzungen. Der Angreifer wurde bei der Attacke erschossen.

Familienmitglieder des Attentäters berichteten, die Soldaten hätten die nicht-tragenden Wände und die Fenster eingeschlagen. >>>

Das Arsenal des Sultans . Waffenhändler aus Europa, den USA und Israel profitieren vom Krieg der türkischen Regierung gegen die Kurden. Eine Bestandsaufnahme - Peter Schaber - Seit Monaten belagern von Ankara entsandte Polizei- und Militärtruppen kurdische Städte im Südosten der Türkei. Sie töteten bislang Hunderte Zivilisten, Hunderttausende Menschen sind auf der Flucht vor den Kampfhandlungen. Der permanente Ausnahmezustand hat eine humanitäre Krisenlage geschaffen, die in einigen Bezirken der Situation im Nachbarland Syrien ähnelt. Wohngebiete werden mit Panzern und Artillerie beschossen, von der Guerilla gehaltene Berggegenden aus der Luft bombardiert. Tausende bis an die Zähne bewaffnete Mitglieder regulärer und irregulärer Sondereinsatz­einheiten treiben im gesamten Gebiet zwischen Diyarbakir (kurdisch: Amed) und Hakkari (Colemerg) ihr Unwesen. Wer sich auf die Spurensuche nach der Herkunft des Kriegsgeräts begibt, mit dem dieser blutige Feldzug geführt wird, stößt auf ein Netzwerk internationaler Händler – auch aus Deutschland. >>>

Held oder Mörder? - Jacques Ungar - Der «Hebroner Disput» um einen IDF-Soldaten spaltet die israelische Gesellschaft ebenso wie die Niederlage, die Premier Binyamin Netanyahu hinsichtlich seiner Energiepolitk einstecken muss.

Gleich in zwei Fällen manifestierte sich dieser Tage die tiefe Kluft, welche die israelische Gesellschaft durchzieht – in der Regel entlang der bekannten politischen und ideologischen Grenzen: Zum einen die empfindliche Niederlage, die Premierminister Binyamin Netanyahus Energiepolitik vor dem Obersten Gerichtshof mit den Rahmenbedingungen für die Ausbeutung der riesigen Naturgasfelder vor der Mittelmeerküste einstecken musste. Zweitens scheiden sich die Geister der Israeli in hitzigen Diskussionen an der Beurteilung der Handlungsweise eines IDF-Soldaten, der in Hebron einen Terroristen erschoss, obwohl dieser bereits bewusstlos am Boden lag >>>


Israeli soldier who killed al-Sharif to be released - An Israeli military court ruled on Friday to release Israeli occupation forces (IOF) soldier El-Or Azarya, who shot and killed Abed al-Fattah al-Sharif in Hebron last week, Israeli sources report. According to the Jpost, the Israeli military court at the Israeli Defense Ministry’s Kirya compound in Tel Aviv issued the ruling after rejecting the prosecution’s appeal filed early Friday morning, requesting the Israeli soldier to remain in military police custody for an additional seven days.

In the appeal, military prosecutors argue that El-Or Azarya has declined to cooperate with investigators and has given contradictory versions of the events, the Times of Israel reported. The court released the soldier from custody to supervised detention at a military base on Thursday. According to the Israeli media, El-Or Azarya will not, however, be allowed to rejoin his battalion, nor will he be permitted to have a weapon. >>>


Soldier shoots, kills Palestinian attacker lying on the ground, Hebron Credit: B'Tselem  >>>0


Hebron killing: “All the signs of an extrajudicial execution” – UN expert expresses outrage  - The United Nations Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Christof Heyns today expressed his outrage at the killing of a Palestinian man by an Israeli soldier on 24 March in Hebron, West Bank, as he laid incapacitated on the ground following his alleged role in a knife attack.

Footage of the shooting of Abed al-Fatah al-Sharif was released by the Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem, and others have subsequently also posted similar videos on the Internet.

“The images shown carry all the signs of a clear case of an extrajudicial execution,” the human rights expert stressed. “There does not appear to be any provocation on the side of the gravely wounded man.”

“Whatever legal regime one applies to the case, shooting someone who is no longer a threat is murder. It is furthermore troublesome that this was done to no apparent alarm to the other soldiers who were nearby,” Mr. Heyns said. >>>


Videographer of soldier killing wounded Palestinian threatened with death - What is not being guarded is the family of Abu Shamsiya, whose family has received threats of violence from both Israeli soldiers and settlers who have made it clear that there is no one to protect him in the Tel Rumeida section where the Settler/Soldier dynamic leaves a growing body count of Palestinians.

Abu Shamsiya told Human Rights Watch that Israeli forces had threatened him, both at the scene and later, when he went to give a statement to the military. This threat was followed up on by Israeli forces who raided the Shamsiya family home last evening, intimidating the family and arbitrarily identifying the human rights monitors who were in the family home at the time.

Worse, Ilan Katz, prosecution for al Sharif’s 19 year old murderer stated to RT recently that, an autopsy of the Palestinian man could prove vital for his client, noting that the soldier could be saved from murder and manslaughter charges if the man was already fatally injured from his earlier wounds. >>>


Complying With Israeli Censorship Order, NYT Conceals Name of Soldier Who Shot Wounded Palestinian - Glenn Greenwald - LAST THURSDAY, an Israeli soldier was arrested after the Israeli human rights group B’Tselem posted horrific video of the soldier shooting a 21-year-old Palestinian man in the head from point-blank range, and killing him, even though he was already shot, wounded, and lying incapacitated on the ground. The killing took place in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron after the Palestinian man, Abed al-Fatah al-Sharif, stabbed an IDF soldier at a military occupation checkpoint.

As The Intercept’s Robert Mackey reported that day, none of the nearby IDF soldiers or Israeli rescue workers — who had ignored the wounded Palestinian — reacted at all to the killing, suggesting that this sort of point-blank, cold-blooded assassination was the norm for the occupying army — except for the fact that this time, it was captured on video. Mackey also noted that although the soldier’s face could be seen in the video, none of the Israeli media named him, despite the fact that his name quickly circulated on social media sites:

The soldier’s name was not used in the Israeli media, but his supporters online, calling him a hero, drew attention to what appears to be his Facebook profile. That account, in the name of Cpl. Elor Azaria, includes several photographs that closely match the appearance of the soldier seen in the video, as well as a recent commendation of his service from the army. >>>

Execution of motionless, unarmed Palestinian youth in Hebron

The only way to ensure Palestinian lives matter - Michael Schaeffer Omer-Man - The IDF’s decision not to charge Abed Fatah al-Sharif’s killer with murder should not surprise anybody — it is entirely consistent with the impunity Israeli security personnel have enjoyed for decades when it comes to killing Palestinians.

The Israeli army’s Military Advocate General on Thursday announced that it will not seek murder charges against a soldier who was videotaped executing Abed Fatah al-Sharif, an incapacitated, wounded Palestinian man suspected of stabbing a soldier in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron last week. (The soldier’s identity is widely known but cannot be published here due to a court-imposed gag order.)

The decision surprised some, although it is not quite clear why. To the best of my knowledge no Israeli soldier has ever been charged with murder for killing a Palestinian. >>>


Haokets - What would we say about the Hebron shooter were he Ashkenazi? - The story of the Hebron shooting is a classic case of the lowly soldier syndrome — mostly Ashkenazi political leaders give the order, yet only those at the bottom of the ladder must pay the price. - Adi Mazor and Tom Mehager

What is the difference between the Israeli soldier who shot 22-year-old Palestinian Abed al-Fatah Sharif in Hebron last week after a stabbing attack, and the soldiers from elite unites who shoot and kill Palestinian suspects? The difference is that the elite soldiers do behind the scenes — when no one is there to capture it on camera.

Since the Hebron shooting, much has been made of the Hebron shooter and his extreme right-wing views, the fact that he is a fan of Beitar Jerusalem (a soccer team associated with the Israeli Right) and his belonging to “La Familia,” Beitar’s far-right supporters’ group. This stems from an attempt to distinguish between the “good soldier” and the “bad soldier,” from talk about the IDF’s “code of ethics” >>>


Video- Meet the brave shoemaker who filmed Israeli soldier executing a Palestinian >>>

Soldier behind Hebron 'execution' to be tried for manslaughter >>>

Israeli court rejects Palestinian role in Hebron 'execution' autopsy >>>


How Israel Makes Money From Blockading Gaza - Ryan Rodrick Beiler - Palestinians whose livelihoods are forcibly enmeshed in Israel’s economic system are often used as human shields against the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement.

The frequent accusation made by critics is that boycotts of Israeli businesses, especially settlement businesses, will hurt the very Palestinians that BDS activists say they support.

At times, settlement advocates even deploy Palestinian spokespersons to speak positively about the higher wages they receive working for settlement businesses.

A new report released by UK-based Corporate Watch brings the voices of the Palestinian farmers and agricultural workers to the debate over how the BDS movement can best resist Israeli exploitation of their land and labor.

Corporate Watch’s report, titled, “Apartheid in the Fields: From Occupied Palestine to UK Supermarkets,” focuses on two of the most vulnerable segments of Palestinian society: residents of the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank’s Jordan Valley.

Farming under siege
- Anyone entering Gaza through the Erez checkpoint on the northern boundary with present-day Israel, traverses a long, fenced corridor running through the so-called “buffer zone” enforced by the Israeli military.

This poorly defined area ranges from 300 to 500 meters along the inside perimeter of Gaza. >>>

National Lawyers Guild and human rights activists call for IRS investigation into charity status of Jewish National Fund


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- See more at: http://mondoweiss.net/2016/03/national-lawyers-guild-and-human-rights-activists-call-for-irs-investigation-into-charity-status-of-jewish-national-fund/#sthash.XQwgRgYo.0m3OafaW.dpuf

National Lawyers Guild and human rights activists call for IRS investigation into charity status of Jewish National Fund


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- See more at: http://mondoweiss.net/2016/03/national-lawyers-guild-and-human-rights-activists-call-for-irs-investigation-into-charity-status-of-jewish-national-fund/#sthash.XQwgRgYo.0m3OafaW.dpuf

National Lawyers Guild and human rights activists call for IRS investigation into charity status of Jewish National Fund - The following press release was issued by the National Lawyers Guild International Committee and the Stop the JNF Campaign:

Today, Palestinian Land Day, the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) submitted a regulatory challenge to the IRS requesting an investigation into the charitable status of the Jewish National Fund (JNF) on grounds of discrimination and contravention of U.S. policy.

In a legal complaint accompanying the regulatory challenge, the NLG outlined several reasons why the IRS should revoke the JNF’s tax-exempt status, including the fact that the organization does not have a charitable purpose and engages in activities that violate US policy and international law.

The regulatory challenge is part of a larger international Stop the JNF Campaign that seeks to end the JNF’s role in Israel’s continuing displacement of Palestinians. Efforts targeting the JNF are part of a growing boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement in support of the Palestinian struggle for freedom, justice, and equality. The campaign is calling for people to take part in Days of Action from March 30-April 18 (Tax Day) to pressure the IRS to respond to the regulatory challenge and launch an investigation into the JNF.

The JNF’s mandate is to promote racist and discriminatory policies such as forcibly displacing Palestinians from their lands to make way for Jewish-only housing developments, including inside Israel’s pre-1967 borders.. The JNF’s support for settlement activity in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem also means its activities violate longstanding official U.S. policies against settlements, as well as international law. >>>

Netanyahu and Sen. Leahy tangle over Israel’s killing of Hadeel Hashlamoun, 18  -  Philip Weiss  The Benjamin Netanyahu government has responded angrily to the congressional letter, and Sen. Patrick Leahy has defended it. See below. The horrifying killing of 18-year-old Hadeel al-Hashlamoun at an Israeli checkpoint in occupied Hebron last September has at last become a public issue in the U.S. Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy has called on the State Department to determine whether the killing, and several other Israeli “extrajudicial killings,” violated the Leahy law against military assistance to gross human rights violators. The letter to John Kerry cites Egypt along with Israel, and is signed by ten members of Congress along with Leahy. They include Raul Grijalva, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Chellie Pingree, Eddie Beatrice Johnson, Sam Farr, Jim McGovern, Jim McDermott, and Andre Carson.

Politico has published the letter. It includes these crucial passages: There have been a disturbing number of reports of possible gross violations of human rights by security forces in Israel and Egypt — incidents that may have involved recipients, or potential recipients, of U.S. military assistance. We urge you to determine if these reports are credible and inform us of your findings: Israel: Amnesty International and other human rights organizations have reported what may be extrajudicial killings by the Israeli military and police of Fadi Alloun, Saad Al-Atrash, Hadeel Hashlamoun, and Mutaz Ewisa. There are also reports of the use of torture in the cases of Wasim Marouf and Ahmed Manasra. >>>

PHOTOS: IDF demolishes Palestinian homes in occupied Jordan Valley - Demolitions take place in two areas of the West Bank as Israel’s High Court prepared to hear a high-profile case on the matter. - Haggai Matar

The Israeli army demolished 17 structures, including family homes, in the Khirbet Tana, an impoverished Palestinian hamlet in the occupied Jordan Valley on Wednesday.

This was the third time Israeli forces demolished homes in Khirbet Tana in recent months, according to Israeli human rights group B’Tselem, including shelters that were donated for families made homeless by previous demolitions. Israeli authorities refuse to connect the village to the electricity or water grids or approve any building permits. >>>



Aktuelle  Kurznachrichten

Israeli soldier who killed al-Sharif to be released

Is Israel reviving this 50-year-old land plan-

Palestinians march in Negev to protest Bedouin evictions on 40th ‘Land Day’ commemoration

Palestinians commemorate 40th anniversary of Land Day

US Congressmen Call for Investigation into Israeli Crimes

On the 40th anniversary of Land Day - Adalah releases new report on Israel’s discriminatory land and housing policies in 2015

Hebron - Military Jeep Runs Over Palestinian Boy on Motorbike

Israeli cuts majority of power supply to Jericho district

World Bank - Palestinian mobile sector loses $1 billion over 3 years

PHOTOS- IDF demolishes Palestinian homes in occupied Jordan Valley

Five Palestinian prisoners on open hunger strike to protest administrative detention and isolation

31. 3. 2016

Israeli army jeep runs over Palestinian child


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Infographic: What is land day?

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IOF storms house of videographer after filming execution of Palestinian

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Another home destroyed in Gaza

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Israel's starvation diet for Gaza

Israel Soldier Detained in Shooting of Palestinian

US congressmen seek investigation of Israel's 'extrajudicial killings'

New Prison Bill for Minors Targets Palestinian Children

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Lieberman Demands The Release Of Soldier Who Executed Wounded Palestinian

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The BDS movement is not anti-Semitic

Israeli Military Jeep Runs Over Boy on Motorbike in Hebron

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Comment by the Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Rupert Colville, on the killing of a Palestinian man in Hebron

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UK Justice Minister: BDS is a Crime Worse than Apartheid

Palestine, Zionism, Apartheid Israel, and UK Government attacks on BDS

Minister: BDS Worse Than Apartheid



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