
Sonntag, 25. Oktober 202016:53  -     LINKS      facebook      ARCHIV     THEMEN




Video - What Reformation means in Palestine - World Council of Churches


Video - A message of hope from Palestine - Mitri Raheb


Daoud Nassar & family - Tent of Nations - People Building Bridges-This is our Christmas message from last year with a bit of editing. The message is still relevant today.

Dear Friends, Greetings from Bethlehem! It is something special to celebrate Christmas in the place where the WORD became FLESH.

More than two thousand years ago, the shepherds who were also living under occupation came to see the newborn KING. Hopelessness, frustration, and fear didn’t stop them from making this risky trip to COME and SEE. They had to overcome many obstacles in order to reach Bethlehem. Their journey didn’t end but started there; they went back and shared the message of hope with all people.

Today, our situation is not much different from the situation of the shepherds 2000 years ago. We are still living in hopelessness, in frustration, and in fear.

With the end of this year in sight, we complete 25 years of legal battle to keep our farm. Still, we are people who believe in justice and we are proud to follow a different path of creative and non-violent resistance. We believe that we can overcome negativity with positivity, darkness with light, and hatred with love under our slogan "We refuse to be Enemies.”

The message of the Tent of Nations again for the year 2017 is to continue and without giving up, to work on transforming hopelessness, frustration, pain, and fear into a positive power that is able to make a difference. With faith, with love, and with hope, we will continue our long journey for justice.

We wish you happy celebrations and a wonderful new year 2017, a year full of hope, love, and fulfillment of your dreams. We ask God to renew your and our strength for this coming new year to carry on and to continue to work together for justice and peace in a world that is thirsty for humanity, love and peace.

The Tent of Nations is inviting you to COME and SEE and then GO and SHARE our message of hope with your families and friends  Blessings and Peace. - Daoud Nassar & family - Tent of Nations - People Building Bridges - dnassar@tentofnations.org   www.tentofnations.org

Zeitenwende? Trump und Israel - Donald Trump polarisiert die USA – auch zum Thema Israel. Die Außenpolitik einer zukünftigen Trump-Administration scheint unberechenbar. - Tsafrir Cohen

Wie werden sich die US-amerikanischen-israelischen Beziehungen künftig gestalten, und wird Trump Israel einen Freibrief zum Bau weiterer Siedlungen erteilen und damit der Zweistaatenlösung den Todesstoß versetzen? Die einstige Wand-zu-Wand-Koalition bedingungsloser Unterstützung für israelische Politik jeglicher Couleur weicht nach und nach einer differenzierten Meinungsbildung, auch in den jüdischen Gemeinden der USA.

Wie in anderen Teilen der Welt hat die Wahl Donald J. Trumps zum Präsidenten der USA auch in Israel große Wellen geschlagen, und auch hier besteht das Rätselraten um seine künftige Politik fort. Wurden die Positionen bisheriger Präsidenten häufig dadurch deutlich, wie sie frühere Ämter bekleideten, wie sie sich während des langen Wegs zum Präsidentenamt aufgestellt hatten, welche BeraterInnen sie bestellten und welche Grundsatzpapiere diese veröffentlichten, so wird Donald Trump auch am Tag seiner Inauguration am 20. Januar 2017 unberechenbar bleiben. Das gilt allgemein für die künftige Außenpolitik ebenso wie für die Politik des 45. Präsidenten der USA gegenüber Israel. Dennoch zeigen einige Äußerungen des künftigen Präsidenten und die seiner BeraterInnen und UnterstützerInnen bestimmte Haltungen und Stoßrichtungen auf. >>>

Reuven Moskovitz -Jerusalem, Dezember 2016 - Zu den Adventstagen und den kommenden Weihnachten habt unsere liebste Wünsche, von meiner Frau Varda und von mir. Seit über 40 Jahre bin ich ein Rufer in der Wüste, ernst genommen von einer kleinen deutschen Oase. Nun ist es Spät oder zu spät. Die Welt ist in den Händen von einer erschreckenden Kopie von Adolf Hitler, Donald Trump.

Der Frieden und die Menschlichkeit sind in Gefahr - die Hoffnung auf ein neues Paradigma, wo die Menschen aufhören den Krieg als Mittel zur Lösung von Konflikten einzusetzen, geht verloren. Israel ist ein wichtiger und gefährlicher Mitspieler in der sich nahenden Katastrophe, dadurch, dass die Bundesrepublik Deutschland der regierenden Clique Israels, die von Hitler erträumte "Wunderwaffe" – U-Boote, die mit ABC-Waffen auszustatten sind - fast geschenkt hat. Dadurch gibt es keinen Staat mehr der im Stande ist Israel dem Stirn zu bieten. Man kann lachen oder schmunzeln über die gutgemeinten e-Mails, die man zu Hunderten lesen kann, aber in Europa bestimmt die Nato - diesmal in den Händen von Donald Trump.

Seit Jahren frage ich wiederholt wer hat und was hat man gelernt aus der Schoa, die nicht nur eine jüdische Schoa, sondern auch eine europäische, teilweise auch eine asiatisch, afrikanische und amerikanische war. Man kann versuchen sich mit Drohnen und Roboter zu trösten. Roboter aber, können gefährlicher als menschliche Krieger werden.

Ein "Kind mit Falten" – so hat mich der Liedermacher Gerhard Schöne bezeichnet," oder „Lache, Lache ob (über) die Träume“ hat ein hebräisch israelische Dichter geschrieben.

Das bin ich, der Träumer der an die Menschen glaubt."

Die Geschichte aber schreibt dicke Bänder über Träume die nicht selten zu schrecklichen Albträumen mutierten.

Audiatur Online eine schweizer Kampfseite der Israellobby, der falschen Freunde Israels. Bekannt für die entsprechende Desinformation. Mit allen Mitteilen, auch denen der Verleumdung, versucht man aus den Opfern Täter zu machen, versucht man die Kritiker Israels zu delegitimieren. - Erhard Arendt

Ein Beispiel, wie man aus den Besetzen Besetzer macht, die Wahrheit und Wirklichkeit im Nahen Osten verdrängt:

Die wahren illegalen Siedlungen - Audiatur-Online >>>

Dazu fällt mir ein, was Ben Gurion und schon Goebbels sagte: "Warum sind Mythen so wichtig? Der zionistische Staat Israel lebt von solchen künstlich erzeugten Mythen. - So ging der Zionistenführer und erste Ministerpräsident Israels David Ben Gurion so weit zu behaupten, dass starker Glaube an den Mythos ihn in Wahrheit verwandle oder zumindest so gut wie eine Wahrheit.

 Sein enger Berater Jitzhar verstieg sich sogar zu der Behauptung: „Ein Mythos ist nicht weniger wahr als Geschichte, er ist jedoch eine zusätzliche Wahrheit, eine andere Wahrheit, eine Wahrheit, die neben der Wahrheit besteht; eine nicht objektive menschliche Wahrheit, und doch eine Wahrheit, die zur historischen Wahrheit wird.“

Der Nazi-Propagandaminister und Verbrecher Joseph Goebbels sagte es etwas einfacher: „Man muss eine Lüge nur oft genug wiederholen, und sie wird zur Wahrheit“

Audiatur Online (mit scheinheiligen Vorsätzen) verbreitet nicht nur Propaganda und Desinformation (bekannte Figuren helfen dabei).
Auch entsprechende Schulungen werden angeboten.

Meinungsfreiheit - Lücken + Zensur - Manipulation im Nahostkonflikt - Die Hasbara Abteilungen Israels >>>

Überraschender Willkommensgruß für die Fußballmannschaft aus Be'er Sheeva in Großbritannien (Southhampton)

Israel orders evacuation of 15 families in Jordan Valley for military exercises -  The unpredictability of the training drills leaves rural Palestinian communities in the Jordan Valley anxious about when they will be displaced, and whether the next time will be permanent. Israeli NGO Kerem Navot has found that 78 percent of the total area declared as closed military or firing zones in the West Bank were not actually being used for military trainings, leading rights groups to conclude the land has been confiscated for ulterior reasons, most likely Israeli settlement expansion throughout Area C >>>

Palestinian mayor says land set aside for Amona evacuees also privately owned - Ma`an - Israeli authorities have notified the municipal council of the occupied West Bank town of Silwad of plans to confiscate privately-owned land in the town`s outskirts, to be used to house residents of the illegal Israeli outpost of Amona, which is slated for imminent demolition. After the Israeli Supreme Court ruled for the outpost to be demolished on the grounds that it was built on privately-owned Palestinians land, an eleventh hour agreement was reached Sunday between the Israeli government and Amona’s settlers to relocate the majority of them to a nearby hilltop. However, as Mayor of Silwad Abd al-Rahman Salih pointed out, the new land in question is also privately owned by Palestinians >>>

Das sind nicht unbedingt stimmungsvolle Weihnachtsbilder.
Seit 11 Stunden hat Rafah keinen Strom.....

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Boycott Israeli Wines campaign targets Vancouver Liquor Store - Boycott Israeli Wines - The manager of the store was made aware that the three brands of Israeli wines that are stocked here are all from stolen Arab and Palestinian land. One brand in particular, the Teperberg Vision Malbec, even openly brags on its website that the vineyard that contributes grapes for this wine is in the illegal Israeli settlement of Mevo Horon >>>

Israel threatens to expel reporter who asked apartheid question - Ali Abunimah - “We are leaning toward recommending that his work permit not be renewed due to suspected BDS activity,” Nitzan Chen, director of the Government Press Office, told The Jerusalem Post. Antony Loewenstein has written about the region for more than a decade, including the bestselling book My Israel Question >>>

Trump’s nominee for ambassador to Israel is unfit to serve - Jeremy Ben-Ami - Washington Post - Even though Friedman’s views completely contradict bipartisan U.S. policy for the past five decades, that’s not sufficient reason for the Senate to reject his nomination. Friedman’s lack of any policy or diplomatic experience (he has been Trump’s bankruptcy lawyer) is also not, alone, a basis for rejection. But never before has a diplomatic novice been placed in this sensitive post, where a single wrong word or move could pour fuel on fires already burning in the region. [Jeremy Ben-Ami is founder and president of J Street >>>

The closing of the Israeli mind - Naomi Chazan -  (...) little attention has been paid to Minister of Education Naftali Bennett’s appointment of Professor Asa Kasher, the author of the IDF Code of Ethics, to compose an academic code for the faculty of the country’s universities and colleges. Nothing can undermine Israel’s productive energies, distort its creative propensities, eat away at its moral underpinnings, or destroy its democratic foundations more than patrolling its academic institutions. >>>

Want to fight boycotts of Israel? Boycott West Bank settlements instead. - Nathan Hersh - Washington Post - By boycotting the settlements, Americans would be sending a message of solidarity to progressive Israeli groups such as B’Tselem, Gush Shalom and Peace Now — as well as to Palestinians who suffer the humiliations of the occupation every day. In the Trump administration, everyone working to end the occupation will need more support, not less. Instead of boycotting Israel, progressives should continue to stand with those Israelis who are on the front lines against their government and the settlement movement.>>>

Weihnachten in Palästina.

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Fatah votes to keep its head in sand - Omar Karmi - So that was that then. After much fanfare, plenty of controversy, some violence and a two-year delay, Fatah finally held its seventh general conference to sort out its internal affairs and, by extension – for it is still, just about, the most important Palestinian political faction – to set a direction for Palestinians in occupied territory and beyond.

It was billed as a crucial meeting, a five-day opportunity for the party of the late Yasser Arafat to finally house clean and start afresh, as new challenges loom and old obstacles have yet to be surmounted. And it passed off without incident and without surprise, exactly how Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, who was re-elected unanimously to another five-year term as Fatah chairman, would have wanted it. For almost everyone else, this is not good news.

Time of crisis - Even for a people in a chronic state of crisis, the immediate future appears particularly bleak for Palestinians. Israeli officials are no longer even paying lip service to a peace process that has long been moribund. Indeed, members of the government are openly calling to abandon a two-state solution.

Israeli politicians are emboldened by an American president-elect who has said he will move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem and who has appointed pro-Israel right wingers to crucial positions in his incoming >>>

MELDUNGEN ANDERER Tage  im  Archiv >>>


Aktuelle  Kurznachrichten

Arab anti-settlement draft resolution to be submitted to UNSC

Israel confiscates health clinic from Palestinian village

Zu Weihnachten strahlt das ZDF die Sendung «Begegnungen im Heiligen Land» aus. TV-Moderator Markus Lanz besucht unter anderem das Caritas Baby Hospital in Bethlehem

Netanyahu- Attacking Israeli journalists on Facebook is 'fun'

Historical evidence does not support Zionist claims re the Western Wall

Israeli Soldiers Abducts Seven Palestinians, Including Four Children, In Jerusalem

Army Abducts One Teen, Summons Two Children (Ages 11 and 12) For Interrogation

Batan al-Hawa neighborhood, Silwan- The next target for “Judaization” of East Jerusalem

Israeli Soldiers Abduct Thirteen Palestinians In The West Bank

Jerusalem woman turns herself in to prison after being banned from the city

16-year-old Palestinian citizen of Israel found dead in northern Israel

PLO condemns Hamas’ planned execution of Palestinian woman in Gaza

Father of slain Palestinian teen objects to plea deal with Israeli officer

Israeli forces detain 18 Palestinians in overnight West Bank raids

Palestinian landowners file claim for Amona relocation site

20. 12. 2016

Donald Trump`s Israel ambassador pick- Moving US embassy to Jerusalem would be `declaration of war`

Israel's free ride on the F-35

Israelischer Minister bei Besuch in Siedlung attackiert

Israeli Soldiers Completely Seal Two Villages Near Ramallah

Amona Settlers Accept Relocation Plan

Soldiers Abduct A Gaza Merchant At The Erez Terminal

Israeli Soldiers Invade Aboud Village, Close Its Main Road

Jewish Students and Scholars Object to “Antisemitism Awareness Act”

GMO Declares Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian Journalist

Israeli Soldiers Kill A Palestinian Teen Near Ramallah

IDF soldiers who killed unarmed Palestinian set for community service

Hunger striker moved to intensive care ahead of court decision over force feeding

Israeli prison authorities move hunger striker to Eshel prison

Israeli forces detain 15 Palestinians, including 2 minors, in overnight raids

Israel renews travel ban against Jerusalemite Palestinian woman

Israel bans burials in parts of East Jerusalem Muslim cemetery

Israeli forces fire towards 'Hamas post' after shots fired from Gaza

Alleged BDS activist writer may be forced to leave Israel

Israel among world’s worst jailers of journalists

19. 12. 2016

Israeli military exercises on gaza borders

Jewish Storm Builds Over David Friedman’s Appointment as Israel Ambassador

Trump pick for ambassador to Israel supports Israeli annexation of West Bank and calls liberal Jews ‘kapos’

Amona settlers accept government deal to relocate onto private Palestinian land

Vorzeitige Haftentlassung von Israels Ex-Präsident Katzav gebilligt

Rohani- Iran kann Atomabkommen nicht einseitig einhalten

Israelischer Minister bei Besuch in Siedlung attackiert

In Israel’s education system, ‘democracy’ is a dirty word

Israeli Soldiers Kill A Palestinian Teen Near Ramallah

Detainees Shadeed And Abu Fara Continue Hunger Strike Amidst Life-Threatening Health Conditions

Palestinian Injured by Israeli Fire; Soldiers Abduct Three Others In Silwan

Israeli Soldiers Abduct A Palestinian Child In Silwad

Gaza- UNRWA Employees in Escalate Protests

Israeli forces seal off Ramallah-area village

Living on borrowed time- Palestinian village fights for its existence

18. 12. 2016

Die Weltgemeinschaft solle Palästina und Israel zu friedlichen Verhandlungen bewegen. Dies sagte der stellvertretende chinesische UN-Vertreter, Wu Haitao, am Freitag

Jews, Arabs march on settler highway to protest occupation

400 Jews, Arabs march on settler highway to protest the occupation

» Amona Settlers Reject Plan to Relocate

Harvard law professor says '30' Republican electors ready to block Donald Trump win

Frankreich verschiebt Nahost-Friedenskonferenz auf Jänner

Israeli Soldiers Abduct A Palestinian Child In Silwad

Gaza- UNRWA Employees in Escalate Protests

Hundreds of Children Arrive in Bethlehem as part of “Bethlehem Heart of Christmas”

Amona Settlers Reject Plan to Relocate

Israeli Army Hands Remains of Six Slain Palestinians To Their Families

Israeli Soldiers Invade Shu’fat Refugee Camp

Dozens Injured After Israeli Soldiers Attack The Weekly Protest In Kufur Qaddoum

Hamas legt Israel Ermordung eines Aktivisten in Tunesien zur Last

Hamas- Tunisian engineer allegedly assassinated by Mossad was leader of military wing

Longest-held Palestinian prisoner still detained despite completing sentence

UN warns of increase in `arbitrary` detention of Palestinian activists by Israel

Palestinian official- peace prospects dead if Trump moves US embassy to Jerusalem

17. 12. 2016

From Dismay to Jubilation, Trump`s Pick of David Friedman as Israel Envoy Splits Jewish Response

Facing pressure from the right, Netanyahu supports 'racist' muezzin bill to appease settler base

Two-thirds of Palestinians believe Palestinian state is no longer possible

Abbas foe Dahlan sentenced to 3 years on corruption charge



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