

Sonntag, 25. Oktober 2020 - 16:53  -   THEMEN      LINKS      facebook       ARCHIV


AUDIO - Uri Avnery - Israels Friedensaktivist bleibt hoffnungsvoll - WDR 5 Scala - aktuelle Kultur | 21.07.2016 | 13:22 Min. - Allein gegen die anderen - dieses Gefühl begleitet Uri Avnery seit seiner Jugend in Nazi-Deutschland. Nachdem er als junger Mann für Israels Unabhängigkeit gekämpft hatte, setzt er sich seit nunmehr 65 Jahren für einen israelisch-arabischen Frieden ein. >>>

Hilferuf aus Israel: Unruhe in der Armee und Pläne zum Angriff gegen die Hisbollah im Libanon - In Israels Armee gärt es zunehmend und politische Extremisten sitzen in Schlüsselpositionen. Wie etwa der neue Verteidigungsminister Avigdor Lieberman oder Miri Regev. Die ehemalige Armeesprecherin und aktuelle Ministerin im Netanjahu-Kabinett bezeichnet sich öffentlich als "glückliche Faschistin" und Flüchtlinge in Israel als "Krebs im Körper der Nation". Gleichzeitig deuten viele Indizien darauf hin, dass Israel kurz davor steht, einen neuen Krieg gegen die libanesische Hisbollah zu führen. - Zlatko Percinic

Wir stehen an einem wichtigen Wendepunkt der Geschichte. Es gibt riesige politische Umwälzungen, die Millionen Menschen betreffen. Das äußert sich zurzeit gerade bei Wahlen in verschiedenen Ländern, wo plötzlich Kräfte in den Vordergrund treten, die bis vor wenigen Jahren noch eigentlich totgeglaubt waren. Regierungen werden mit und ohne äußere Einwirkung gestürzt oder abgewählt, weil es den Menschen spürbar schlechter geht und sie von der etablierten Politik zu Recht enttäuscht sind. Egal ob in Brasilien, Argentinien, USA, Griechenland oder Deutschland, überall zeigt sich ein ähnliches Bild. Sogar in Österreich, wo die letzte Präsidentschaftswahl nicht ohne den Makel einer möglichen Trickserei über die Bühne gelaufen ist.

Israel bildet in dieser Entwicklung keine Ausnahme. Wo es bei uns zumeist Protestwähler sind, die aus Mangel an Alternativen Parteien wählen, die mit billigen Slogans den schnellen Erfolg versprechen, ist Israel in dieser Beziehung bereits ein gutes Stück weiter. Rechte Parteien werden nicht etwa aus Mangel an Alternativen gewählt, sondern aus Überzeugung. Die Wahl im rechten Spektrum muss lediglich zwischen Nationalismus, Religion oder religiösem Nationalismus gefällt werden. >>>

Interview mit Daniel Barenboim - Musikalischer Dialog über Grenzen hinweg - Das künftige Arbeitszimmer ist so klein, dass nicht einmal sein Flügel hineinpasst. Doch Daniel Barenboim äußert sich im Interview mit Gero Schliess zufrieden über die Fortschritte seiner Akademie, die zurzeit in Berlin entsteht.

Auf Initiative des Dirigenten Daniel Barenboim entsteht in Berlin zurzeit eine völlig neuartige Musikhochschule - die Barenboim-Said Akademie - benannt nach ihm selbst und dem inzwischen verstorbenen amerikanisch-palästinensischen Literaturwissenschaftler Edward Said.

Zum Wintersemstester 2016/2017 werden hier 30 junge Studierende aus dem Nahen Osten ihre Ausbildung beginnen. Daniel Barenboim will sie im Geiste des von ihm gegründeten West-Eastern Divan Orchestra ausbilden, das zu gleichen Teilen aus israelischen und arabischen Studenten besteht. Ab 2018 sollen an der Akademie dann 80 bis 90 Musikstudenten aus dem Nahen Osten studieren. >>>

Palestinian student activist Donya Musleh was sentenced to 10 months in Israeli prison and a fine of NIS 2,000 (approximately $500) on charges of “incitement” for posting on Facebook about the Israeli occupation and Palestinian resistance. 
- Quelle

Younes Arar -
Part of our daily life, Palestinians trying to cross to the other side of the blocked road today on their way to or out of Alkhalil City...250 main and internal roads were blocked by Zionist occupation forces during the past two weeks throughout Alkhalil District, denying about 750,000 citizens the freedom to move from place to another even inside the same locality, 20 July 2016. >>>

Palestinian child sentenced to 8 months imprisonment - The Israeli Central Court sentenced the Jerusalemite child Adham Zaatari, 14, to eight months imprisonment for allegedly being involved in a stone-throwing attack. Family sources affirmed to Quds Press that Adham was sentenced to eight months after accusing him of throwing stones at Israeli targets. Adham is currently held in Megiddo prison after being earlier transferred from an Israeli correctional institution, the sources pointed out. Adham’s father said that the Israeli court also accused his son of allegedly infiltrating into a settler’s house and attacking his family with pepper gas. A court hearing has been set for September 27 to decide over the new charge, the father clarified. >>>

Auch so sieht Feminismus aus! Die Frauen des zum hundertsten Mal zerstörten beduinischen Dorfes Al-Araqeeb im Süden Israels, blockieren die Traktoren des Jüdischen Nationalfonds (KKL), der ihr landwirtschaftlichs Land beschlagnahmen will.

(Photo von Avi Blecherman)


A protest in Ramallah city today in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoner "Bilal Kayied" who has been on hunger strike for 37 days inside ‪#‎Israeli‬ jails.

The Real Reason Israel Attacks Gaza - Gaza in Context argues that Israel’s repeated onslaughts are not aimed at Hamas or the coastal enclave. They’re aimed at Palestine. - Noura Erakat - It has been two years since Israel launched one of its most brutal attacks on the Palestinian people of Gaza. For 51 days, Israel waged a ground and aerial attack on a besieged population and killed nearly 2,200 Palestinians, including 1462 civilians, of whom 551 were children; orphaned 1,500 children; left 370,000 children in need of psychosocial treatment; completely destroyed 18,000 homes; and, at the height of the onslaught, displaced half a million Palestinians. During the onslaught, 67 Israeli soldiers and six civilians were killed.

Despite overwhelming evidence of the disparity of power between Israel and Palestinians of Gaza, mainstream American media have repeatedly framed Israel as the victim, and critical pedagogical approaches continue to be policed, as demonstrated by the incendiary campaigns targeting Joseph Massad, Nadia Abu El-Haj, and others. For decades, the mainstream narrative has cast Gaza as the problem, even as Israel has engaged in excessive and brutal force and collective punishment in the form of occupation, siege, and frequent military assaults. This conversation has led to the treatment of Israel’s assaults on the coastal enclave as a national security issue, exceptional and distinct from the broader question of Palestine.

Now, a new pedagogical project, Gaza in Context, aims to correct the biases and misrepresentations reproduced, again and again, in mainstream media and educational coverage. The project provides historical context, situating Gaza within the larger narrative of Israeli settler-colonialism. Its lesson: Israel does not have a Hamas problem; it does not have a Gaza problem; it has a Palestine problem. >>>

The Israeli Right's Palestinian delusion - Noam Sheizaf - Arabs are more present than ever in the Israeli public sphere, but attempts to marginalize them are growing at an even faster pace. A new law aimed at pushing Arab representatives out of the political system could wind up changing the rules of the game — in the worst possible way.

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sarah try out virtual reality, July 21, 2016. (Yair Sagi/Pool) Two recent events in Israel highlight the right wing’s hopeless desire to make the country’s pesky Palestinian population simply disappear.

The Knesset this week passed a law that will enable it to expel Arab MKs from their positions as elected representatives. The same day, a storm erupted over a program on Army Radio that examined a poem by Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish. Both events have one thing in common: they highlight Israeli right wing’s hopeless desire to make the country’s pesky Palestinian population simply disappear. That’s no easy task considering that proportionally speaking, there are more Arab citizens in Israel than African Americans or Hispanic Americans in the United States. And can anybody even imagine a U.S. without them? >>>

Israeli closures: `They`re pushing us into depression` : After recent attacks, Israel sealed off several towns throughout Hebron - a policy that has drawn widespread criticism - Emily Mulder

Sair is one of several towns throughout the Hebron district that has been fully or partially closed by Israel since the start of the month, when deadly attacks carried out by locals left two Israeli settlers dead, marking the most widespread lockdown since 2014. The closures, accompanied by nightly detention raids that have left dozens injured, have severely disrupted the movement of an estimated 400,000 Palestinians, according to the United Nations >>>

Benjamin Netanyahu investigated for money laundering by Israeli authorities - Jess Staufenberg - Benjamin Netanyahu is under investigation by Israel`s attorney general after reports he was gifted a large amount of money from an unknown source. The Israel Prime Minister has dismissed the allegations of corruption, which are the most recent in a series leveled against himself and his wife, as "baseless". But a formal examination was announced by the attorney general late on Sunday, and could prove to be embarrassing for the leader known as "Bibi" if found to be true >>>

Yakov M. Rabkin Asks 'What Is Modern Israel?' - Tyler Levitan  - This is an interview I conducted with Professor Yakov M. Rabkin of the Université de Montréal, author of the recently published What Is Modern Israel.

Professor Rabkin's earlier book on the subject of Israel, entitled A Threat from Within: A Century of Jewish Opposition to Zionism, was nominated for the Governor General's Literary Award and for the Hecht Prize for Studies of Zionism.

Given all of the books that have been published over the years regarding Israel, what compelled you to write What Is Modern Israel?

My Tokyo publisher. Impressed by the success of the Japanese version of my earlier book, A Threat from Within: A Century of Jewish Opposition to Zionism, in his country (it was listed as the best non-fiction book by the prestigious daily Asahi Shimbun), he asked me to write about modern Israel. It was to be a shorter and more accessible book, aimed at young readers.

In A Threat from Within, I had examined the reasons why Zionism was initially rejected not only by rabbis but also by the vast majority of Jews. In the present book I had to go further. I had to spell out the origins of Zionism, including religious ones, to look at the evolution of Israeli society and its relations with world Jewry, as well as at the roles played by Jews from Russia. The Russian dimension explains many aspects of contemporary Israel that remain otherwise puzzling.

What exactly do you mean by "the Russian dimension"?

While Theodor Herzl, the founder of political Zionism, was meeting kings and ministers, Jews from the shtetls in the Russian Empire formed the backbone of Zionist settlement in Palestine at the turn of the 20th century. Subsequently they entrenched themselves in positions of leadership. Even though the Soviet Union did not allow emigration from the 1920s on, over 60 per cent of the members of Israeli  >>>

21. 7. 2016

Zwei Molotowcocktails wurden in eine palästinensische Wohnung in Duma im besetzten Westjordanland geworfen - Sie verursachten (heute - 20. 7. 2016 - im frühen Morgengrauen) einen Brand, der die Wohnung von Mohammed Raqi Dawabscheh beschädigte, er selbst kam mit Brandwunden davon. Nachbarn löschten das Feuer.

2015 waren bei einem Brandanschlag auf ein anderes Haus in Duma drei Personen einer jungen Familie Dawabscheh ums Leben gekommen, ein vierjähriges Kind überlebte schwer verletzt.

(Anm. d. Ü.: Mohammed Raqi Dawabscheh scheint der Onkel des jungen Vaters zu sein, der zu dem brennenden Haus gerufen wurde, sich seither um das überlebende Kind kümmert und zu dem Vorfall aussagte.)

Ghassan Daglas, der als Palästinenser die jüdischen Siedlungen im nördlichen Westjordanland beobachtet, erklärte, hinter dem Anschlag stünden jüdische Siedler aus dem Gebiet.

Andererseits hat es in den letzten Stunden mehrere Razzien der israelischen Armee gegeben, bei denen 15 Pesonen verhaftet worden waren.   - Quelle Übersetzung/gekürzt: K. Nebauer


Israeli police investigating suspected arson attack in Palestinian village of Duma -  Investigations by Israeli police were underway Wednesday morning after a house fire in the village of Duma in the northern occupied West Bank that locals suspected was an arson attack carried out by Israeli settlers.

The fire broke out around 3 a.m. Wednesday in a bedroom on the second floor of a house owned by Muhammad Fayiq Dawabsha. No injuries were reported.

Muhammad Dawabsha, alongside a large number of residents in Duma, is a member of the Dawabsha family, three members of which died in an arson attack in July 2015, when Israeli settlers set ablaze their home, burning an infant child alive. Both the baby's parents later died from their wounds. The couple's four-year-old son is the only remaining survivor of the attack.

The Palestinian civil defense service said in a statement on Wednesday morning that investigations confirmed that a "very highly flammable material" had started the fire, and Dawabsha told them he heard a blast. >>>


Sonderseite - Der Tod von Ali Saad Dawabsha (ein 18 Monate junges Kleinkind) und seiner Familie >>>


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21. 7. 2016

Israels Parlament nahm Gesetz zu Ausschluss von Abgeordneten an

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20. 7. 2016

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“Campaigns against Gaza are a continuation of a campaign against all Palestinians”: The directors of “Gaza in Context” on their new film

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Palestinian Journalist Sentenced to 6 Months Imprisonment for ‘Incitement’

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19. 7. 2016

Israelische Abgeordnete wollen Annexion von Siedlung Maale Adumim

Der umstrittene Vorstoß muss allerdings drei Lesungen passieren, um Gesetz zu werden
Rechtsorientierte Abgeordnete in Israel haben ein Gesetz eingebracht, das eine Annexion der Siedlerstadt Maale Adumim im Westjordanland vorsieht. Joav Kisch von der Regierungspartei Likud und ein Abgeordneter der Siedlerpartei legten den Entwurf am Montag im Parlament vor. Der umstrittene Vorstoß muss allerdings drei Lesungen passieren, um Gesetz zu werden.
Es wäre die erste Siedlung im Westjordanland, die Israel offiziell seinem Staatsgebiet einverleibt. >>>

Israeli Legislators Seek to Legalize West Bank Settlement


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