

Montag, 13. Januar 2025 - 10:03  | THEMEN   |   LINKS   |  facebook   |   ARCHIV


VIDEO - Israelis boykottieren Siedlerprodukte
Seit Jahren fordert die Europäische Union eine Kennzeichnungspflicht für Export-Produkte aus den jüdischen Siedlungen. Damit sollen die Verbraucher die Möglichkeit haben zu entscheiden, ob sie diese Produkte boykottieren wollen - oder auch nicht. Inzwischen wächst auch in Israel die Zahl derer, die nicht mehr bereit sind, die Besatzungspolitik ihrer Regierung mitzutragen. Aus Tel Aviv: die Reportage von Uri Schneider.

Wiederkehr der längst beerdigten Phrenologie mit maschinellem Lernen - Der Traum der Überwacher bleibt das Auge Gottes, das auch noch ins Innere des Kopfes blicken und die Absichten zumindest der Bösen erkennen kann. Eine israelische Firma will nun ein Programm zur Analyse von Gesichtern entwickelt haben, das automatisch die Persönlichkeit von Menschen erkennen soll.

Faception heißt die Firma, die das Programm zur Persönlichkeitsprofilierung über Gesichtserkennung in Echtzeit anbietet und gleich wieder Revolutionäres verspricht, "wie Unternehmen, Organisationen und sogar Roboter Menschen verstehen und dramatisch die öffentliche Sicherheit, die Kommunikation, die Entscheidungsfindung und die Erfahrung verbessern können". Objektivität wird versprochen, weil die Klassifizierung ohne Grundannahmen und Regeln auskomme, da das maschinelle Lernen nur datengestützt sei. Und die Daten sollen dann wohl die pure, unverfälschte Wirklichkeit sein. Wird man also mittels des Programms aus Aufnahmen von Kameras oder Fotos schnell sehen, wer Terrorist, Gauner oder überhaupt ein Böser ist, um ihn gleich außen vor zu lassen oder mit ihm nichts zu tun zu haben oder ihn desto gründlicher zu überwachen und prüfen?

Kriminelle, böse Menschen am Gesicht zu erkennen, klingt ganz nach dem Unternehmen, das der Arzt und Anatom Franz Joseph Gall auf die Spitze trieb. Er war der Ansicht, dass sich Charaktereigenschaften in der  >>>

Gaza garbage puts public health at risk - Isra Saleh el-Namey - "“The sight is killing me,” the 37-year-old mother of six said. The overpowering stench is acutely nauseating, especially in the summer: “The smells waft over earlier in the mornings than at any other time of the year.”>>>

Israel’s ‘mistaken identity’ embarrassments


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Saturday night, an Israeli driver had a heart attack and lost control of his vehicle on busy Ben Yehuda street in Tel Aviv, ending up crashing into a restaurant and badly injuring two diners, who died shortly after from their wounds.

According to the wife of one of the restaurant owners, Shoshana San, who was an eyewitness, the driver was believed by restaurant-goers and others to be a terrorist. “They thought that the driver was not a good person, they beat him. He was unconscious”, she is quoted saying in the Jerusalem Online article. 

Let me translate this coded Israeli language for everyone. “Not a good person” means a Palestinian terrorist. The witnesses thought that the car ramming was an intentional Palestinian terror attack, so although the driver was already unconscious, they “pulled him out of the car” as Israeli NRG noted (Hebrew) and lynched him whilst he was unconscious.

- See more at: http://mondoweiss.net/2016/06/mistaken-identity-embarrassments/#sthash.YzppsiI0.FyIfyquI.dpuf

Israel’s ‘mistaken identity’ embarrassments - Jonathan Ofir - Saturday night, an Israeli driver had a heart attack and lost control of his vehicle on busy Ben Yehuda street in Tel Aviv, ending up crashing into a restaurant and badly injuring two diners, who died shortly after from their wounds.

According to the wife of one of the restaurant owners, Shoshana San, who was an eyewitness, the driver was believed by restaurant-goers and others to be a terrorist. “They thought that the driver was not a good person, they beat him. He was unconscious”, she is quoted saying in the Jerusalem Online article.

Let me translate this coded Israeli language for everyone. “Not a good person” means a Palestinian terrorist. The witnesses thought that the car ramming was an intentional Palestinian terror attack, so although the driver was already unconscious, they “pulled him out of the car” as Israeli NRG noted (Hebrew) and lynched him whilst he was unconscious. >>>

Question for the Israeli left: Why do you discount the possibility of a second Nakba? - Rida Abu Rass - Some may argue that the Nakba is an ongoing process, or rather, that it never really ended. Yet, bearing in mind the frightening political processes that are unfolding within Israel, one should wonder whether we are heading towards another catastrophe. So let us ask: how likely is is it for an ethnic cleansing of Palestinians to occur once again, similar to (or worse than) 1948?

Surprisingly, I find that the Israeli Left never seriously raises this as a possibility. The Left doesn’t seem to consider it, or even just casually wonder about it, as if Israel or Western societies acquired an immunity to this kind of mass violence. As if it’s a relic of the past. The Israeli Left can perfectly understand the dangerous political ‘processes’ that are bubbling from within, and it often admits that ‘the country is in shambles’. And, they are right. Don’t get me wrong: the Left’s worries about Israel’s future are genuine. But that’s as far as it will go. Perhaps by extrapolating one step further, the Left will understand the true gravity of the situation in Israel today. >>>

Israelis who live along Gaza border: Stop the next war
Israelis who live along Gaza border suffer more than anybody in Israel whenever war breaks out. A group of local residents recently marched on the Erez military crossing into the Strip, demanding that leaders from Israel, Hamas, and the world, find a solution to the violence and hope for a normal life.


Continuous Restrictions on Religious Freedom in Hebron - al-Khalil Team - ISM - "How and in which way these children carrying soup that is donated to families in need, are posing any kind of threat to the Israeli forces or why they have to be stopped, remains unclear." >>>

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Will Petty Corruption Bring Down Netanyahu? - Uri Avnery - "Just this week Netanyahu proudly told his party colleagues that he will “never” agree to conduct negotiations based on the Arab 2002 peace initiative, which includes the end of the occupation, the setting up of the State of Palestine and the evacuation of settlements.">>>


Aktuelle  Kurznachrichten

Sicher wundern sich einige, warum es keine Übersetzung des aktuellen Textes von Uri Avnery gab. Ellen Rohlfs ist leider gefallen, bereits operiert und auf dem Weg der Besserung. Die Heilung braucht nun ihre Zeit.

Auf dieser Seite  können Ihre Genesungswünsche und Mitteilungen stehen.
(Eine Idee von Inga Gelsdorf)
Sicherlich freut sich Ellen Rohlfs und es motiviert ihre Heilungskräfte. >>>

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